Sori, etta on kestanyt paivitella. Olemme olleet niin kiireisia turisteja, ettemme ole kerenneet istahtaa alas. Talla hetkella istun motellimme aulassa, muutin ja varmistin autovuokrauksen ja odottelen, etta S ja K tulevat aamupalalle. Pikakelaus viikonlopusta. Meilla on ollut aivan superhauskaa! Olemme nahneet vaikka mita. Las Vegas on upea, mutta yksi viikonloppu riitti oikein mukavasti. Perjantaina ihmettelimme kaikkea, lauantaina shoppailimme outletkylassa, sunnuntaina olimme kiipeilemassa kiipeilyopettajani kanssa Red rockseilla. Kiipeilypaiva oli tietenkin minun suosikki, koska sain opettaa ja kiiveta. Soile ja Katja paasivat heti juoneen kiinni. Kuten kuvista nakyy. Tanaan ohjaamme nokkamme kohti Los Angelesia. Ennen sita kaymme viela kayskentelemassa Red rockseilla. Terkkuja kaikille!
Crand Canyon is awesome! Sorry mum. |
At Red Rock, NV |
When belaying a leader, always keep your eye on the climber. Like this. |
My turn. Before you climb, make sure your hair looks good. |
Max gave us a ride home. Katja had to be horisontally. It's difficult to see, but Katja is inside there. Apparently she was talking to herself the whole way home. |
In front of Bellagio, I guess. |
We walked two hours (wearing flats) all the way to Stratosphere , only to learn that the outdoor view deck was closed because of the high wind. Then we walked back. Ok, we jogged back because at that point jogging hurt less. There is a lot of embarrassing video material of this, thanks to Katja. |
And then back to red rock. Moving these pics is a pain so they are not in the right order. This is Katja. |
"This is so easy!" The author would like to point out that Katja invented a new safety knot. It's the knot above the figure eight. |
Soile making a dangerous leap to the wall. Max is showing where to go. |
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