My 28th birthday was this weekend. I decided to do what I did last year: climb a pitch for every year. I miss long days on rock so climbing 28 pitches is the perfect birthday present for myself. Me and my friends were conveniently going to Kustavi anyways, so I was set up for success. We left Tampere 8am Saturday morning and started racking up at Kräkiniemi around noon.
I got this bingo card from my friends. Thank you! |
I had a designated belayer, my lovely friend Katja.
This girl knows how to give a belay! |
I also had a bunch of lady friends supporting my cause.
Liisa teaching introduction to crack climbing. |
Piri knows the moves, Lea and Jatta are learning. |
Topropes were very welcome. I managed to get one toprope in for every lead in Kräkiniemi. Lucky me, my friends are rope guns. Most of the routes are 5s.
1. Amelie oikea L
2. Amelie vasen TR
3. Amelie both cracks TR
4. Masto L
5. Majakka TR
6. Mörköränni L
In Mörköränni (5-). |
Katja likes Mörköränni too! |
Key to success, in my opinion, is to: Wear comfy shoes with comfy socks. Rack up once and stay racked up. Climb fast, and be willing to pull on gear if a move doesn't go. Eat and drink when ever possible. Pick routes based on what you can comfortably free climb. And most importantly, to have fun and make sure your partner is also having fun.
7. Lumikko L
8. Kuutamo L
9. Vanha rouva TR
10. Juuret TR
11. Apollo TR
12. Itä-blokki oikea L
13. Itä-Blokki vasen L
14. Varjo L
15. Punainen planeetta TR
16. Myrsky viinilasissa L
Hanna climbing Punainen planeetta (6-) |
Hanna's happy belayer, Henna. >D |
Thank you for the TR Hanna! Me TRing Punainen planeetta. Pic: Katja |
I got 15 routes in from Kräkiniemi in three hours. Linking routes next to each other worked pretty nicely. Toproping saved time too. We took a one and a half hour lunch break before continuing to Hopia.
5:30 pm at Hopia. Nine more to go. |
At Hopia I started with the classics: Lastenhuoneen avaimet (4+) and Pioneeri (5+). This was the first time I felt tired. Pioneeri was very, very hard for me. 10 more pitches seemed like a lot and I was afraid that not having bolted anchors would slow things down. I am very grateful for Katja: She insisted on pulling the rope so I would recover in between climbs.
5:30 pm I was a little tired. Pic: Liisa |
I got the flow back after Aallon helmi (5). I have not climbed most of the 4s and 5s in Hopia so I actually had a lot of fun climbing new routes. Ropes got stuck only twice - success!
Hanna and Henna climbing Pioneeri (5+). I feel you Henna. Pic: Hanna |
17. Lastenhuoneen avaimet L
18. Pioneeri L
19. Aallon Helmi L (on niin helmi!)
20. Hopeasurffari L
21. Chili tee L
22. A-kuppi L (helmi!)
23. Paha kala L
24. Säkkipilli TR
My belayer bushwhacking after pulling the rope. The rain is coming. |
25. Veli Hopia L
26. Idanha L
27. Suursyömäri L
28. Kotkan kynsi L (Oh my... had I known. :D)
Bonus route
29. Myyrä L
Whoops! I climbed one too many. Oh well.
After topping out the 28th route Myyrä at 9:20pm. (really the 29th route) |
We had burgers for dinner and apple gobbler for dessert. Thank you everyone! I got a cool birthday present too, a Mega Jul! Katja, please teach me to use it. Tök tök tök.
I forgot my sleeping pad. Katja's pad has a hole. Poor us. |
Climbs were still partly wet at 2pm Sunday afternoon. |
Liisa's Hopia tour. Let's go eat doughnuts. Pic: Lea |
Thank you for the fun weekend ladies! <3